The ingredients for creativity

To become a successful writer, you need to write excellent and original books. A work is a masterpiece of excellence when it comes from a high dose of creativity. The latter is fundamental in the creative writing. With no creativity, there is no writer. The equation is purely right and perfect. And so, What are the main requirements to get a high rate of creativity? These requirements, that we can also name ingredients, were suggested by a famous author, Isaac Asimov, native Russian, but lived in the US during the second half of 1900s.

Asimov, who also was professor of biochemistry at Boston University, wrote over 400 books during his excellent, successful life. When he started to write a new book, he always invoked the ingredients for creating. According the author, there are only four ingredients that shape the recipe for good creativity.

They are: boldness, comparison, crazyness and relax. They are the main ingredients to do a good work in any field, but, above all, in the one of the literature. To be bold means also be brave and shameless, it also means to have a high dose of self esteem and believe in yourself even during the hard moments and when none trusts you.

Comparison means see the work of the colleagues with no envy, appreciate the talent of other good authors and be always available to learn from them. In short words, comparison also means to be humble. Crazyness is the requirement that is always inside the head of an author. Without a fistful of crazyness, that means to be capable to see the world in a different way with respect to the most of people, any success or goal would be impossible to be reached.

The last ingredient, relax, is according to us, the best secret to get high creativity. When you are calm and relaxed, you write well, got more ideas and manage to put in the white sheet, all you want to tell. Today, people are too busy to be relaxed, but with no relax, the human brain works bad and is not able to produce original ideas. Moreover, when we are relaxed, our brain produces hormones called endorphins, these are substances capable to give a sensation of pleasure when we do any activity, in fact, endorphins are also called pleasure hormones or good mood hormones.

To prove this rule, just think about when you were a child, with no concerns and commitments and tasks to be completed. At the time, you was only engaged to invent new games. With no tasks of adults, children have relax to be more creative. Hence, if you want be a successful writer, you must try to be as a child, with no concerns and always relaxed. Through relax, your writing will be more fluent and prolific, original and suitable for great success.

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