Review of The secrets to speak to your destiny by Musa Joel

the-secrets-to-speak-to-your-destiny-coverHere I am reviewing another inspirational book that taught me very much, such as how to handle life, how to live to the fullest, how to work and how to build healthy relationships and how to have a healthy relationship with myself. I am discussing about The Secrets to Speaking to your Destiny , self help and inspirational book written by Musa Joel. The author wrote many other inspirational books, such as, for instance, How to Turn Words Into Money, but I preferred reading the one I reviewed in this post because it includes the entire literary work of this writer.

The concept I really appreciated in this book is just the one related to our personal destiny. As the author writes, we all forced to believe that our destiny has already been programmed for the day of our birth. There are people condemned to remain poor or unlucky forever, while others who have a bright and glittering destiny made of wellness and richness. This belief has ruined many lives in the world and pushed many people to leave their dreams and their true self. The Secrets to speak to your destiny is instead a great and powerful weapon to learn how to speak our destiny and turn it into the life we would like to live.

Through his writing, the author laid the foundations for a fundamental concept, namely: we are, not what others believe we are, but we are unique, original and special people. By quoting some sentences of the Bible and the Gospel, the author drives us to understand that God also created everyone with a special gift. Every person is fully different from others, the great gift of being different is also a great opportunity to achieve any goals in life. Do you like playing baseball? You can do it! Do you like to earn money from writing? You can do it! It is the faith in God and in yourself that gives you the power to achieve your dreams.

Another important concept the author explores in the book is reality. What is reality? It is not the one you learned to know in your daily life, but the one you can build every day with your own hands! Reality is not outside you, but inside you. You are your reality and for this you can also shape the life you want for yourself. To better explain this concept, the author mentioned the life of Donald Trump. He is one the richest men of the world.

He managed to get rich only because he believed in himself and in his inner power. Obviously Mr. Trump was also outfitted with a large self-esteem. I don’t know if this author will vote for Trump the next November, but I not even think the book was written to support this candidate to the U.S. elections. I think the author used Trump as an example only to explain that also a normal man (I don’t think Mr. Trump is a genius) can achieve his dreams in life. And if Trump is today a candidate to the White House, you could be the next lucky person to be successful in your life. Just believe in yourself, pray and read this helpful inspirational book.

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