Review of Ruthless Silence by Maja Ugrinovic

Today, Advicesbooks is pleased to present you a poetry book review. That is the new book written by a touching and sensitive poet coming from Serbia: Maja Ugrinovic. Her last poetry book is titled Ruthless Silence and runs through the major natural items that surrounding our life.

By 100 pages, the book by Maja tells us the emotions that can arise by four natural elements: air, water, earth and fire. Surely, it is very reductive to define Rutheless Silence as a simple list of natural items, because of its nature, any poetry book does the same. Inside Ruthless Silence, however, there is much more: an emotional strain that leads readers to discover the life feelings.

Maja’s book, in fact, is focused to explain the inner world, with its pain, its plagues and unhappiness and hope to overcome any trouble and sorrow. On many pages, the poet remembers often the conflict between death and life, truth and lie, describing it with short, cutting and concise verses. It is very enjoyable reading this book, because the poetry doesn’t risk to bore like a long novel.

Ruthless Silence, rather, invites you to think about the real meaning of life and the terrible truth that is sometime hidden behind some thoughts and behaviours. Maja Ugrinovic is also capable to describe a little bird, a wedding day and other enjoyable events of life that are properly surrounded by her extraordinary poetic mood.

At the centre of Ruthless Silence, it also lies the silence and solitude caused by incomprehension and indifference also among loved people. The book is also a cry of distress against the deep solitude caused by the human mistakes. In this final stage of review, we mustn’t forget that Maja is a poet who knows very well what suffering means. In the recent past, in fact, her homeland has gone through a cruel civil war.

Fortunately, Maja is always in her loved country to write her wonderful poetry. Now, we would like to greet the Advicebooks readers with just a poetry of Ruthless Silence. We have chosen those words that according to us are the slogan for a better world.

Never Say Never
Silence behind my name
hunter is dead
and the moon is gone
never say never,
never ‘till you can see the dawn.
Pain behind my face
rising up my back
laughing at my mind
never say no,
never ‘till you can feel alive.
Animal behind my heart
eats the cell clean like mud
never give up,
never ‘till you can walk inside.
Shadow in my hands
tears apart everything I am
never run away,
never ‘till you can stay awake.
Voice behind my ears
plays the right song
never stop,
never ‘till you can see

You may find other poetry books by Maja Ugrinovic at this link:

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