Would you like to get your book translated into another language. I guess you would. As of today, Advicesbooks offers you the chance to get your book translated into Italian. As you know, this international website of book promotions and book reviews is managed by a bilingual writer Italian-English and English-Italian. I believe you don’t’ have to miss this great opportunity. Many authors who remained unknown in their country, were read in other countries thanks to a professional translation.
The translation service is available for indie and aspiring writers who wrote ebooks for self publishing. If you accept to get your book translated into Italian, Advicesboooks will help you to self publish your book in the Italian platforms of self publishing. Italian readers love to read books written by English authors. What are you waiting? Contact us to get your book translated in Italian. This service is carried out by a human translator, your book will be read and translated in order to keep its original content and meaning. I don’t use online translators to rewrite your book into the Italian language.
Rebuild your story in another language. The Italian language is one of the most ancient languages in the world. That is a poetic language also, with adverbs and adjective capable to enrich your story and turn it into the next best seller. Just think that according to the New York Times Books, the most important international author is Italian. On the official website, The important American newspaper showcases a list of the most favorite authors in the world.
The first one is Dante Alighieri, a poet and writer lived in Italy (Tuscany) in the Middle Age. During his troubled life, Dante Alighieri wrote many poems. The most important is titled “ La Divina Commedia”. I suppose you know about this book, a real masterpiece of the global literature. La Divina Commedia consists of three poems respectively named: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio ( Purgatory) e (and) Paradiso (Paradise).
The book proceeds with rhymes coming from the ancient Italian Language. The first chapter of La Divina Commedia starts like this: Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura che la diritta via era smarrita…” . English translation: “In the middle of the journey of our life, I found myself in a dark forest, where the right way was lost”. Observe the difference between the Italian sentence and the one in English. The sound of the Italian words is attractive and very, very poetic. Even your ebook could get high results with a good translation into Italian. For further information about this service, please write on the contact form.
Source of the image: adweek.com
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Rosalba Mancuso is the journalist, born in Sicily, who founded three online magazines in English. On Advicebooks Book Reviews, Rosalba shows her great passion for books, helping readers and book lovers choose and buy the best books she read and reviewed. She also worked as a contributor to print and online magazines and as a bilingual Italian-English writer. Here, Rosalba also offers room to authors and publishers who want to get their books reviewed through the voice of an avid reader like her. You must also know that this book review magazine lives thanks to your help. Rosalba, in fact, earns a small commission, with no cost for you, when you buy books through the affiliate links you find in her book reviews. This book review magazine is also funded by services of editorial reviews and book press releases.
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