Best books 2017 rewarded by Advicesbooks Prize

best books 2017My dear book lovers, if you want to know the best books read in 2017, you must look at this article. Here, in fact, I provided information about the best books I read last year. And yes, welcome to the fourth edition of Advicesbooks Prize, an online literary prize to reward the best books read by this book review blog every year. However, this year, the prize brings an important new, namely I rewarded only the best books written by new authors, while in the past years, I rewarded even the best book written by famous and translated novelists. Indeed, the previous literary prizes were split into two categories, namely: famous and translated novelists and self published and new authors. Unfortunately, last year I didn’t read particularly interesting books written by this category of authors and so, I preferred rewarding only the ones written by new and self-published authors .

This year, hence, the prize includes only one category: new and self-published authors. Last year, in 2017, I read very interesting books, both fiction and nonfiction. I am very sorry for not rewarding everybody, but the prize is only for the books I appreciated a bit of more than others.

The books I started reading at the end of 2017 and finished reading in 2018 will be submitted to the next Advicesbooks Prize in 2019. Well, this year, according to (and me), the best books read in 2017 for the category flagged as “new authors”  have been:

The Ostermann House by J R Klein, a compelling mystery thriller set in an ominous country house that hides murky secrets. Rewarded with the first place.

Henry by Katrina Shawver, the biographical story about a Polish deported to Auschwitz during Nazism. Rewarded with the second place.

Hellen Back: The Attic by Vicki Zell, a gripping novel about a mother who strangely despises her own daughter. Rewarded with the second place in ex aequo with the previous book.

These authors received by email a certificate with my praises and an explanation about why I rewarded them. Here are the praises contained in the prize certificate.

Prize for The Ostermann House to J R Klein: for writing a compelling mystery book about a topic that pushes readers to think about the future of our planet. Read my review here.

Prize for Henry to Katrina Shawver: for writing another important and touching witness about the deportation to Auschwitz during the Holocaust. Read my review here.

Prize for Hellen Back: The Attic to Vicki Zell: for writing a gripping tale about the sick relationship of a mother for her own daughter. Read my review here.

I also invite you to buy and read these books. I am sure you’ll enjoy reading them.

If you are also an author, remember that you can also be awarded with Advicesbooks Prize. This prize is granted only to authors who submit their books for review. It aims to highlight the best books I read in order they can also stand out of the crowd. This is, indeed, my main mission. I read and review to show the best new books. My pleasure of reading must also become your literary success. Best wishes to the authors I rewarded. Their books are the best ones read in 2017.


Literary magazines and book blogs can republish this press release.

2 thoughts on “Best books 2017 rewarded by Advicesbooks Prize

  1. Thank you for your complimentary review of my novel, Hellen Back/The Attic and for your support of New Authors who choose to self-publish their works. It is refreshing to know that out there, all of the hard work we authors put into our craft is appreciated by experts who care. Thank you again.

    1. Thanks for your kind comment Vicki and for appreciating my review about your book. Also thanks for defining me an expert. My mission is only the one of making good books known. Self-publishing is a hard work and lets create also quality books like yours. This literary prize serves to prove that.

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